30-Minute Warning XVII

OK. What can I tell here in under 30 minutes?

Oh, right. About my work today: I answered a few emails, and that’s it. March is nearing though, and in my current job, I’m at my busiest during the 1st and 2nd weeks of the month. I need to be prepared for that upcoming period, but for now, I’m taking it easy.

As for other stuff, well… after work, I bought 2 1.5L bottles of Coke Zero and 3 cans of Jack and Coke. I usually buy those on a Friday night, but my Younger Brother asked me if I could buy some Coke Zero today. So, I did. It’s like a mini-treat for my brother and my Mother, too. And, of course, the Jack and Cokes are mine. (Unless someone at home asks for a can, and I will give it willingly. I’m not selfish.)

What else? I want to bring up the money challenge I took upon myself last year, and I have to be honest: Because of my current salary and it has been hard to look for another stable job, it has been hard to keep up with the money challenge. In 2023, I was able to earn an amount way far from my target total of PHP 78,000, but at least I have enough money to pay for subscriptions and splurge without worries. (But I have not splurged. Yet. I hope to do that by July this year. Fingers crossed on that.)

Speaking of my money challenge, I started doing it again last month, and it has been going well so far. What worries me though is the 2nd half of the year because that’s when the money-saving became difficult for me last year. I just hope that I can find another form of income or at least another stable job so I can reach my target total this year… or, better yet, go beyond that. Wish me luck!

And time’s up.


Header image: Angie Reyes of Pexels. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

IX: Fighting the Christmas Blues (Year XXXIII)


As I said in a previous post: Whenever I feel depressed, it’s either (1) I dwell in the darkness or (2) distract myself to feel better.

Today, on Christmas Day, I chose option 2.

Continue reading IX: Fighting the Christmas Blues (Year XXXIII)

30-Minute Warning XIII

Surprise! I’m blogging on a Sunday at 1am!

I just drank 3 Jack and Cokes that I mixed myself. And before that, I bought 4 cans of Jack and Coke and 1.5L of Coke Zero at the nearest 7-Eleven. I’m running out of Jack Daniel’s whiskey, so I must buy another bottle before 2023 ends.

You’re wondering, “The Deranged Writer surely drinks a lot of Jack and Coke.” Yes, I am. But in my defense, I only drink during weekends unless I’m in a gig or a social event during weekdays (which rarely happens; the social events I go to usually happen during weekends or late Thursdays). I know that eventually I will lessen my drinking as I get older, but right now I’m enjoying being buzzed after drinking my favorite alcoholic drink. I’m 33, for crying out loud.

Last night, I did something I had never done before: take a bath while being tipsy or drunk. I don’t even know if I did my entire routine step by step, but I’m sure I feel refreshed right now. A few cans of Jack and Coke and a cold bath = perfect combination.

This morning, I need to run errands at the mall. I’m sure there will be more people at the mall because of the Christmas rush, so I need to go to the mall as early as possible and accomplish what I need to accomplish. After that, I will go to my favorite spot Satchmi, have my affogato, and write in my journal there, and then I will attend Night 3 of the anticipated Simbang Gabi.

What else? Oh! I’m listening to Sheryl Crow’s “If It Makes You Happy” on repeat. It still screams what I’m feeling right now.

And time’s up.