Song of the Moment XXV: LunchMoney Lewis’ “Bills”

Today, before I went to Laguna with my Mother, my Father, and cousin, I got my salary. For a moment, I was happy, but then I remembered…

I got bills I gotta pay
So I’m gon’ work, work, work every day

LunchMoney Lewis’ “Bills”
The music video of LunchMoney Lewis’ “Bills”.

That is all. (sighs)


Watch III: Scott Steiner vs The English Language

I just realized why my mood has been so down lately: I have not seen any funny Scott Steiner videos lately – most notably the hilarious “Scott Steiner vs The English Language”. And tonight I have seen the aforementioned video more than thrice, and it never fails to make me laugh.

The legendary video “Scott Steiner vs The English Language”.

Seriously, I’m starting to feel better lately, and one thing that helped improve my mood is watching funny videos. Specifically, watching Scott Steiner butcher the English language helped improve my mood. Thank you, “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner, whoever made the hilarious compilation, and whoever uploaded the video on another video-sharing site.

And I quote the host of Wrestling With Wregret Brian Zane, “Scott Steiner is why the Web was invented.”

Happy weekend!


Published on April 19, 2024, 11:07pm. Edited on April 20, 2024, 2:04am.

Header image: WWE. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

Song of the Moment XXI: Finger Eleven’s “Slow Chemical”

I’m supposed to run errands today, but they were rescheduled for tomorrow. Thank goodness for avoiding errands at least today because today’s temperature outside is 35°C. 35-fucking-degrees-celsius. It feels hotter than that though, but good grief.

After writing that, I’m dreading tomorrow, and tomorrow’s weather could be worse. I must endure the heat while I run errands. (Yes, I will bring my umbrella when I walk on the street. But what if I go to an establishment with A/C problems? I must expect the worst.)

And I can imagine Kane (kayfabe half-brother of The Undertaker) making the temperature worse when he walks through the entire city and flames burst from concrete. That is why my current Song of the Moment is “Slow Chemical” by Finger Eleven, one of Kane’s theme songs.

Official visualizer of Finger Eleven’s “Slow Chemical”.

Happy humid Monday. And no, I’m not in the mood to write an April Fools’ Day post today. Maybe next year.


Header image: WWE and Pixabay. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.