30-Minute Warning XXII

All right. Finally, I’m back to blogging. But I will make this quick because I feel I will get sick tomorrow.

Last Friday, our home Internet connection was down and it went back on Saturday evening. That was the longest time we didn’t have Internet at home in, perhaps, years? I don’t remember when exactly, but it has been a long time. As for my mobile data last Friday and Saturday, well… it worked and I can blog on mobile. But I don’t feel like doing that; I want to blog on my laptop as usual.

What else happened last Friday? Oh! I needed to go out and pay something for the family business, and then I had a late lunch at my favorite restaurant, Gringo.

Wait. This is the 1st time I mentioned Gringo here on The Diary, and it is my favorite restaurant. Why is that? Because I rarely eat there, even if it’s my favorite. My visits there are extraordinary – notably, I had my 32nd birthday dinner there with my favorite and a few of my closest friends. But since I have been mentally unwell recently, maybe I should go to Gringo more often? Like, once a month?

A weekly visit to my favorite cafe Satchmi, and a monthly visit to my favorite restaurant Gringo… that sounds like a great idea.

As for what I had for late lunch at Gringo, I had a Hungry Plate 2 – char-grilled chicken, chili con carne taco, and a bacon cream fusilli. And I had an iced tea as my drink. I feel like I’m in heaven after my lunch. Yes.

What else happened on Friday? Since our home didn’t have Internet but we still have cable, my cousins, Younger Brother and I channel-surfed, and we settled for HBO and watched Inside, a psychological thriller starring Willem Dafoe. And because the Internet connection sucked, I didn’t check the synopsis. I only checked the movie’s genre, but that’s it. And it made the whole movie viewing more enjoyable while we munching on nachos and gulping ice-cold Jack and Cokes.

And that’s it. I need to rest. I really feel like I will get sick.


30-Minute Warning XXI

So, what can I tell here under 30 minutes?

Well, once again I forgot to blog yesterday – another Wednesday. Let me explain what happened…

I have been feeling down since April 13, but yesterday I had to set my sadness aside so I can make my Elder Brother’s birthday a happy one.

Yesterday afternoon, my cousin and I went to the mall and bought some cheesecake milk tea and a chocolate cake and then surprised my Elder Brother at the condo. For a moment, my brother was happy, but then we felt that he was having the birthday blues. So we let him be.

And then at 10pm, while we were at home, Leon pitched a great idea through text: surprise Elder Brother at a bar in BGC. So the entire family (minus Father) dressed up right away and then we all went to the bar and… surprise! We successfully surprised him, and this time his smile was beaming! Mission accomplished!

After the surprise, we had a few drinks (a Rum Coke for me and mojitos, margaritas, sangrias, and a Coke Zero for everyone else), and we capped off the lovely evening with our individual birthday wishes for Elder Brother. What a lovely night. And because my brother is happy, everyone is happy, I’m starting to be happy again… not entirely, but I’m getting there now slowly and surely.

Happiest birthday, my Elder Brother! The entire family loves you so much, and we wish you all the best in life!

In other news, our family’s Japan trip is confirmed. Our trip will be from June 10 to 14. Now that is another thing to be happy about. I’m stoked and I need to prepare my clothes and other things I will need for the trip!

And time’s up.


Header image: Polina Tankilevitch of Pexels. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

30-Minute Warning XX

What can I write here under 30 minutes?

Wow. The past 2 days have been my busiest workdays ever since I started working for my family’s company, and now I’m tired. I almost chose to blog using my smartphone because I have been using my laptop all day, but I changed my mind. And now here I am, writing on The Diary.

Yesterday, I learned how to make proposals and it was a doozy. I encountered so many numbers during the learning process, so it was hard for me at first. But I’m thankful for Younger Brother guiding me along the way. Thank you, brother. And I also ordered some materials from one of our suppliers. (Something I’m familiar with already.)

As for other things that happened yesterday, well… I got my affogato fix at my favorite cafe Satchmi. The combination of salted caramel ice cream and espresso gave me the boost I needed, so I was fine learning something new like making a proposal. Thank you, my favorite spot. Thank you.

Today, I ordered a different material from a different supplier and then worked on last month’s billings. I didn’t finish the latter, but I will be able to finish it tomorrow. (That’s 2 days of billing work instead of my usual 3 to 4. I think that’s an accomplishment.)

What else? Oh! I’m still uncertain when I will go to Japan with my family, but I’m sure it will be June 2024. Wait. I already said that in an old post. But oh my God. I’m excited! (I think you can tell because I repeated it?)

And time’s up.


Header image: Beatriz Pérez Moya of Unsplash. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.