10-Minute Warning II

OK. So, what can I type in 10 minutes after drinking 6 highball glasses of Jack and Coke in under an hour?

Let me say – it has been years since my last serious relationship, and I want to say this on The Dispatch I don’t deserve a breakup email. I may have my mistakes, and any form of breakup is awful, but come on – a breakup email? Fuck that shit.

In other news, why did I drink 6 glasses of Jack and Coke tonight? Because I want to. Since 2022, I promised to drink my favorite Jack and Coke every week, but I only drank 4 glasses last January. Last week I drank 4 glasses, and tonight I drank 6. So, that’s 10 glasses of Jack and Coke this February. My therapist will kill me because of the more-than-a-fuckload consumption of my favorite drink. But come on. Let me live a little.

Speaking of my therapist – my last session was last July of 2022. Is the date of my last session a sign of progress? Some of my friends think so. But I think it’s weird. Almost 7 months? I should check up on my therapist via email. Soon. Maybe not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I’m so drunk as hell right now.

And time’s up.


Image header: Marcin Dampc of Pexels. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2022.

II: The Deranged Writer’s Money Challenge (2023)

For the past few years, I tried to keep up with money challenges. I tried to save up to PHP 1,000 in the 1st week, PHP 2,000 in the 2nd week, and so on until I failed. I tried to save up to PHP 500 in the 1st payout, then PHP 1,000 in the 2nd payout, and PHP 1,500 in the 3rd payout, but I failed. I tried saving up 1s, 5s, 10s, and 20s over the past few years… and that is going well so far. But I lost track of how many coins I earned.

So, this 2023, instead of following other people’s money challenges, I decided to create my own. And it’s simple: in a month, I deposit a minimum of PHP 1,000 times the number of the month.

Continue reading II: The Deranged Writer’s Money Challenge (2023)