10-Minute Warning CXXVI

OK. What can I write here in under 10 minutes?

My normal Saturday would start by waking up at noon, having my 1st meal of the day, taking a bath, writing in my journal, and catching up on WWE SmackDown! via YouTube. But today, it started at 2pm. I overslept and somehow I feel bad about it.

So, tonight, I will do what I should have done hours ago – journal writing and catching up on WWE’s blue brand. But firstly I will buy some fried chicken from McDonald’s. I’m hungry.

And as of blogging here lately, I have been blogging for 5 days straight. That’s because I missed out on a few blogging days when I was in Tokyo with my family. So, good job, self!

See you tomorrow, Sunday.


Song of the Moment XXXIII: Travie McCoy’s “Billionaire” (featuring Bruno Mars)

It has been 12 days since my family and I returned from our trip to Tokyo, Japan. But until now, I still miss the place and everything about it. I just wish I had lots of money to go back there whenever and how long I want to.

And then Travie McCoy and Bruno Mars song popped into my head – an appropriate Song of the Moment.

I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad

Travie McCoy’s “Billionaire” (featuring Bruno Mars)
The music video of Travie McCoy and Bruno Mars’ “Billionaire”.

That is all.


Header image: PublicDomainPictures of Pixabay. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

10-Minute Warning CXXIII

All right. What can I tell here in under 10 minutes?

I was writing a new Notes to Self a while ago, but I can’t continue and I’m writing this instead. Why? I have post-vacation depression.

It has been a few days since my family and I went home from Japan, and now I have post-vacation depression. I miss Japan – the cool summer weather, the flavorful food, the train rides, all of it. My legs are also sore, but what is more apparent is the depression.

Give me a few days to recover… or maybe weeks. Either way, I will see you on Wednesday.