30-Minute Warning XVI

So, what can I write here under 30 minutes?

The past few days have been memorable. Let me list down:

On February 12, I walked from my home to Arcovia City with my Mother and cousin May… and then we walked back home. I hope to walk and jog to places other than Track 30th because changing my routine is nice.

On February 13, I finally got the posters featuring Riki “Riddle” LeCotey’s Wednesday Addams cosplay, and all 3 posters were signed with “Happy birthday, DW!” I’m on cloud nine even now. Ms. Riddle is such a nice lady. I hope she visits a comic con in the Philippines this year or later.

On February 14, I attended Mass with my Mother and cousins for Ash Wednesday, and then we had some burgers and milkshakes at Shake Shack. My stomach is happy.

On February 15, I attended a gig organized by my younger brothers and their team. Even if I’m not much of a nocturnal as I was, it was nice seeing bands rock it out live until 12am. I hope to see more musical acts this year.

And then I started today, February 16, with a chicken drumstick meal with my younger brothers at Frankie’s BGC. It has been a while since we ate there, and we missed it. After our late dinner, we went home and I slept like a baby. Good thing I didn’t have work to do, so I took it easy. Tonight I went to my favorite cafe Satchmi, had a baked ziti and iced tea, and I updated my journal after.

Right now I’m finishing this post while I’m drinking my Jack and Coke. The weekend has officially begun!

And time’s up.


Header image: Josh Sorenson of Pexels. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

30-Minute Warning XIII

Surprise! I’m blogging on a Sunday at 1am!

I just drank 3 Jack and Cokes that I mixed myself. And before that, I bought 4 cans of Jack and Coke and 1.5L of Coke Zero at the nearest 7-Eleven. I’m running out of Jack Daniel’s whiskey, so I must buy another bottle before 2023 ends.

You’re wondering, “The Deranged Writer surely drinks a lot of Jack and Coke.” Yes, I am. But in my defense, I only drink during weekends unless I’m in a gig or a social event during weekdays (which rarely happens; the social events I go to usually happen during weekends or late Thursdays). I know that eventually I will lessen my drinking as I get older, but right now I’m enjoying being buzzed after drinking my favorite alcoholic drink. I’m 33, for crying out loud.

Last night, I did something I had never done before: take a bath while being tipsy or drunk. I don’t even know if I did my entire routine step by step, but I’m sure I feel refreshed right now. A few cans of Jack and Coke and a cold bath = perfect combination.

This morning, I need to run errands at the mall. I’m sure there will be more people at the mall because of the Christmas rush, so I need to go to the mall as early as possible and accomplish what I need to accomplish. After that, I will go to my favorite spot Satchmi, have my affogato, and write in my journal there, and then I will attend Night 3 of the anticipated Simbang Gabi.

What else? Oh! I’m listening to Sheryl Crow’s “If It Makes You Happy” on repeat. It still screams what I’m feeling right now.

And time’s up.


10-Minute Warning XCIII

So, what can I share here under 10 minutes?

Last night, I went to a gig at Ellipsis. One of the bands who performed were my younger brothers, and I recorded their whole set while singing along to them. They killed it as usual! And after the gig, my younger brothers, their friends and I went to Goto Monster for some late dinner. I ordered a tasty beef tapa (with white rice and sunny side-up eggs) and a Coke Zero, and my stomach is so full and happy.

After dinner, we went back to Taft to drop off my younger brothers’ friends, and then we arrived home at 4pm. What a night. I’m so tired that slept right away upon arriving.

And then the longest sleep that I have this 2023 happened. I slept for 12 hours; I woke up in the afternoon. Damn.

Tonight I’m going to have a steak burrito from Army Navy and an ice-cold Jack and Coke while watching White Collar. Hello, weekend.

And time’s up.