10-Minute Warning CXXVI

OK. What can I write here in under 10 minutes?

My normal Saturday would start by waking up at noon, having my 1st meal of the day, taking a bath, writing in my journal, and catching up on WWE SmackDown! via YouTube. But today, it started at 2pm. I overslept and somehow I feel bad about it.

So, tonight, I will do what I should have done hours ago – journal writing and catching up on WWE’s blue brand. But firstly I will buy some fried chicken from McDonald’s. I’m hungry.

And as of blogging here lately, I have been blogging for 5 days straight. That’s because I missed out on a few blogging days when I was in Tokyo with my family. So, good job, self!

See you tomorrow, Sunday.


Song of the Moment XXXIV: Justin Timberlake’s “Like I Love You” (featuring Clipse)

Last June 24, 2024, I walked and jogged on my favorite jogging path for an hour after more than a week of not exercising. And the exact second I stopped jogging, heavy rain poured. I ran to the nearest parking building, and for some strange reason, I wanted to hear this song from Justin Timberlake. I don’t remember the title, but I remember this line:

If you smile, then that should set the tone

So, I googled “Justin Timberlake” and the above line on my phone, then finally saw and remembered the song title: “Like I Love You”. I quickly opened my Spotify and then played the song on repeat. What a dance-worthy song. And I also learned the name of the one who made and performed the rap verse: a hip-hop duo named Clipse. Thank you, Google and Wikipedia.

The music video of Justin Timberlake’s “Like I Love You” (featuring Clipse).

Now let me listen to this Justin Timberlake classic on repeat again. Happy weekend!


Header image: Vlad Chețan of Pexels. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

Published at 11:20pm. Edited at 11:24pm.

10-Minute Warning CXXV

So, what can I share here under 10 minutes?

Well, I feel sad because lately, I have been dealing with more than 10 pimples on my face. Having that many pimples may be normal yet bad for some, but this is the 1st time I had a breakout like this. Normally I would get 1 or 2 pimples every 6 months or even a year, but not anymore. My “clear skin” streak is broken and it makes me sad. I’m so shy about showing my face to anyone.

But I should not worry too much about my pimples. Stress may add more pimples to my face. Maybe I should take some Lactezin, an anti-acne drug. Perhaps I should also change my skincare routine. But I’m sure I should see a dermatologist soon.

What else? That’s it for now. See you tomorrow.


Header image: Andrew Martin of Pixabay. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.