Song of the Moment XXXIV: Justin Timberlake’s “Like I Love You” (featuring Clipse)

Last June 24, 2024, I walked and jogged on my favorite jogging path for an hour after more than a week of not exercising. And the exact second I stopped jogging, heavy rain poured. I ran to the nearest parking building, and for some strange reason, I wanted to hear this song from Justin Timberlake. I don’t remember the title, but I remember this line:

If you smile, then that should set the tone

So, I googled “Justin Timberlake” and the above line on my phone, then finally saw and remembered the song title: “Like I Love You”. I quickly opened my Spotify and then played the song on repeat. What a dance-worthy song. And I also learned the name of the one who made and performed the rap verse: a hip-hop duo named Clipse. Thank you, Google and Wikipedia.

The music video of Justin Timberlake’s “Like I Love You” (featuring Clipse).

Now let me listen to this Justin Timberlake classic on repeat again. Happy weekend!


Header image: Vlad Chețan of Pexels. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

Published at 11:20pm. Edited at 11:24pm.

10-Minute Warning CXXIV

Hello, Diary. I’m sorry for not updating here yesterday. The main reason for the lack of update is that my home’s Wi-Fi is down. Also, I was out walking and jogging last night and have reliable mobile data, but I don’t feel like blogging on mobile.

What happened today though? Other than working on proposals and watching a few Marvel Cinematic Universe films with my cousin Jake, nothing much.

See you tomorrow, Wednesday.


Song of the Moment XX: Spice Girls’ “Stop”

Hi, everyone. Before I start this 200th post on The Diary (and the 20th Song of the Moment post), I need to explain something: Once again, I didn’t update The Diary on a Wednesday. Why? Because I was too sad to talk about anything. Hell, I don’t feel like finishing my post about my lowest point ever. I just wanted to do other things like running on the treadmill, lifting weights, rest for several hours, and spending time with my family… and I did all of those things and it made me feel better. To top it all off, I also watched several movies from the British action comedy Hot Fuzz (for the nth time) to the remake of the action flick Road House.

Now that I feel better, I will post something this weekend – probably on Sunday.

Anyway, what is my Song of the Moment right now? It’s my favorite Spice Girls song next to “Too Much” – “Stop”. Thank you very much, my favorite girl group, for cheering me up. Now, let me do the chorus dance in my room.

The music video of Spice Girls’ “Stop”.

That is all.


Header image: The alternative music video of Spice Girls’ “Stop”. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.