10-Minute Warning CXX

Oh. My. God. I’m tired right now.

I mean, I was out of the house almost the entire day. I joined my parents slash bosses in getting a check in Makati, paid for social insurance, and then went to Lugang Cafe with my parents and my Youngest Brother for lunch. I was craving for some dumplings, so I devoured a lot of those. Thank you, my beloved parents, for the lunch treat. After that, I had my weekly affogato at my favorite cafe Satchmi, and then updated my journal there. Now my week is complete. Thank you, Satchmi.

And then this question popped into my head again: Should I buy the Samsung Galaxy S24+ today? So I went to a few shops and checked for a great deal. Of course, all of them can give the same installment plan. But there is 1 shop that can provide more than just the phone – 3 freebies like a portable Bluetooth speaker, wireless headphones, and a travel adapter. I’m not sure about the freebies’ quality, but 3 freebies? Damn.

But then again, I’m not ready to buy the Samsung Galaxy S24+. So I didn’t buy it. At least today, I didn’t. My Japan trip is coming in 10 days, so I might change my mind about not buying. But right now… no. Not today.

What else can I share here before my 10 minutes is done? Well, other than I’m having an ice-cold Jack and Coke Zero, that’s it. That’s it.


Header image: Madison Inouye of Pexels. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

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The Deranged Writer

Yes, he wears a mask sometimes. And according to most people, he looks like Bruno Mars when he is unmasked. He is a web/graphic designer by day and a hobby writer by night. (Or during his free time. It depends.) He is a huge fan of Dave Grohl and The Undertaker. He is a friendly introvert.

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