30-Minute Warning XXIX

How was my day yesterday? It was long but nice!

The day started with my cousin Risa graduating from college. We celebrated the occasion with a tasty Filipino lunch at Abé. She deserves her degree because I have seen her study for many hours over the past few years. Congratulations, my cousin!

After the celebratory lunch, I had another weekly affogato fix at my favorite spot Satchmi. I enjoyed my favorite coffee/ice cream combo at my favorite seat and then updated my journal. Now my week is complete.

After my journal writing, my other cousin Jake and I went to Greenbelt 3 in Makati to watch the main stage of Fête de la Musique Philippines. Fête PH is celebrating its 30th year, which is awesome! And the musical acts we saw: Jason Dhakal and Lustbass, Jose Miguel, Sinosikat?, Dwta, and Jewelmer Jazz Band. (I hope I typed their names right.) It has been a while since my last gig, and I spent my time listening and swaying more and taking fewer photos. That’s how I know I enjoyed the show that much.

My Younger Brother followed and watched Fête for a while, and then we looked for a ramen restaurant for dinner. We checked out Ramen Kuroda first, but they are about to close. We checked out Kenji Tei, but they were about to close also. And then we checked Ippudo, and they let us in. Yes! The third time’s the charm indeed.

And how was the dinner? After enjoying our mildly spicy ramen and Coke Zeros, our stomachs and hearts are full. We gained the energy to go back to Fête’s main stage and watch a few more acts: Morobeats (I hope I wrote that right) and Dilaw. In my opinion, the latter gave the best performance of the night. I should listen to their songs more.

After watching Dilaw, my Younger Brother and cousin Jake went home… but first, we had to stop by the nearest 7-Eleven and buy some Jack and Coke Zero and sweet corn chips. After coming home, I started writing this post and gulping the Jack and Coke Zero I just bought.

Happy weekend to all!


Header image: Gül Işık of Pexels. Edited in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

Published by

The Deranged Writer

Yes, he wears a mask sometimes. And according to most people, he looks like Bruno Mars when he is unmasked. He is a web/graphic designer by day and a hobby writer by night. (Or during his free time. It depends.) He is a huge fan of Dave Grohl and The Undertaker. He is a friendly introvert.

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